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When Is the Best Time to Update Your Landscape Materials?

When Is the Best Time to Update Your Landscape Materials?

Revamping your landscape not only elevates your property’s curb appeal but also enhances your outdoor living experience. Selecting the right time to update your landscape materials is crucial for the health of your plants and the longevity of your design. Here’s a seasonal guide to help you plan your landscape projects effectively.

Spring: A Fresh Start

Spring breathes new life into your garden, making it the best time for planting and refreshing your beds with new mulch. This season's moderate temperatures and increased moisture levels create ideal conditions for young plants to thrive. Adding mulch now helps maintain soil moisture as temperatures rise and gives your beds a clean, attractive appearance.

Summer: Focus on Upkeep

High summer temperatures might seem daunting for starting major projects, but it's a perfect time for routine maintenance. Use this season to check your landscape for wear and tear and make necessary repairs. Summer is also suitable for installing non-plant elements like stones or pathways, which can be laid regardless of the heat.

Autumn: Prime Time for Major Additions

With its cooler weather and mild soil conditions, autumn is ideal for undertaking substantial landscape additions like new decks, pathways, or even a gazebo. Planting trees and perennials during fall allows them to establish roots in the still-warm soil, setting them up for a robust growth spurt come spring.

Winter: Plan and Prepare

While your garden rests, winter offers a valuable pause for reflection and preparation. Use this quieter time to plan out next year's projects, source materials, and maintain gardening equipment. Preparing during winter means you can hit the ground running when planting season returns.

Timing Your Purchases

It’s wise to keep an eye on material costs throughout the year. Many suppliers offer discounts during slower business periods or at season’s end. Timing your purchases for these sales can lead to substantial savings, particularly if you're planning larger projects requiring bulk materials.


Timing your landscaping updates strategically can lead to better growth, a more efficient workflow, and cost savings. No matter the scale of your project, considering the seasonal impacts can lead you to a more beautiful and sustainable outdoor space.

For top-quality landscaping materials, consider visiting North County Supply. Whether you’re refreshing your garden mulch or embarking on a grand redesign, they offer a diverse inventory that caters to every season’s needs.

Embark on your landscaping journey with confidence, and watch as your outdoor areas transform into vibrant living spaces. Happy gardening!

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